citahellion's Articles » Page 5
August 9, 2004 by citahellion
Let's pretend that some shadowy benefactor came to you and told you that he would pay you $100,000 a year. All you have to do in exchange for this paycheck is to find a job that you love to do, that you would rather be doing than hanging out in front of the TV or the computer screen, and work it like a regular job for the rest of your life. (Yes, you can take vacations.) What would your dream job be? (Let's keep it a little realistic, now; there probably are no positions available for, e....
August 8, 2004 by citahellion
I mentioned to dharmagirl in one of her threads about hobbies that I am an avid frisbee golfer. Since she was so interested in finding out more about it, I thought I should take the opportunity to try to expose a few more of you to the sport. It's fun, it's cheap, it's good exercise, and it's easy if you know how to throw a frisbee and walk. (And you don't even have to do those at the same time!) Frisbee golf is like regular golf ("ball golf", as we like to call it) in that you are tryi...
August 6, 2004 by citahellion
Hello little cutie pie you just woke up, and so did I I gaze at you as you lie there with big, dark eyes and tousled hair. Hello little eager one up every morning with the sun you smile and squeal as I come in can't wait to have the day begin. Hello little lovely girl you coo and chatter to the world then flail your arms and gladly shout when I reach down to lift you out. Hello little girl, my sweet It's breakfast time, can't wait to eat You love to grab your toys and pla...
July 28, 2004 by citahellion
For most of my life I have specifically set myself apart from the mainstream, looking for unusual things and non-obvious choices. I never listened to top-40 music, I never played or watched any organized sport except soccer (when it was still a relative oddity), I was never interested in popular culture. In the case of sports specifically, I abhor baseball and golf especially for their glacial pace and relative lack of excitement. I remain convinced that most of the time baseball fans ch...
July 27, 2004 by citahellion
So I've seen a small rash of "X things about me" posts lately and I feel inspired to post a similar entry... about you. 1) You like a lot of bad movies. 2) You don't read enough. 3) You don't read enough of the stuff that I read. 4) You're probably not working in the field that you got your degree in, if you even got a degree. 5) Your family was probably more dysfunctional than mine. 6) You know more cool and interesting people in real life than I do. 7) You're not as smart as I am. ...
July 27, 2004 by citahellion
So I've seen a small rash of "X things about me" posts lately and I feel inspired to post a similar entry... about you. 1) You like a lot of bad movies. 2) You don't read enough. 3) You don't read enough of the stuff that I read. 4) You're probably not working in the field that you got your degree in, if you even got a degree. 5) Your family was probably more dysfunctional than mine. 6) You know more cool and interesting people in real life than I do. 7) You're not as smart as I am. ...
July 26, 2004 by citahellion
As I mentioned in a previous article, I am nitpicky by nature. I hate to see language used improperly. For the most part I suppress this instinct when on-line, but there are a few things that always get a reaction from me. Here are a few more of them.... Copywrite vs. copyright, or "use the right right, writers!" "Copywrite" is a rarely-used verb that means "to write copy". Used correctly, you will most commonly see this in noun formas someone's job title: "I am a copywriter." This mea...
July 22, 2004 by citahellion
I found these quotes earlier today... they seem extremely applicable to the current US situation.... If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never will be. --Thomas Jefferson Yes, we did produce a near-perfect republic. But will they keep it? Or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the path of destruction. --Thomas Jefferson
July 21, 2004 by citahellion
My fiancee and I have something in common. (Gasp, shock, amazement, you say. Okay, we have a lot in common, and here's one particular item.) We both hate to match socks. When that big load comes out of the dryer and there's 64 socks in the heap, in a heap is how the socks stay until everything else is done and we grudgingly turn to finish the odious task. But there are steps one can take to minimize the drudgery of the chore, steps that I have taken, long ago; and even informed my woma...
July 19, 2004 by citahellion
There were seven dwarves in the tub, all feeling happy. ...So he got out. Picture two dwarves standing in the forest, talking. One is fat and looks good-natured, the other is thin and nervous. The nervous one speaks: "Well, it's down to just the eight of us now... I'm telling you, Hungry, something funny is going on around here!" A guy goes to the doctor. "Doc," he says, "You gotta help me. I've got horrible flatulence. It's just a good thing they're silent and hardly smell at al...
July 19, 2004 by citahellion
There were seven dwarves in the tub, all feeling happy. ...So he got out. Picture two dwarves standing in the forest, talking. One is fat and looks good-natured, the other is thin and nervous. The nervous one speaks: "Well, it's down to just the eight of us now... I'm telling you, Hungry, something funny is going on around here!" A guy goes to the doctor. "Doc," he says, "You gotta help me. I've got horrible flatulence. It's just a good thing they're silent and hardly smell at al...
July 17, 2004 by citahellion
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
July 17, 2004 by citahellion
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
July 16, 2004 by citahellion
Zoroaster's Filibusters Taiko drums in the Japanese fog... I find that difficult to accept. ...not having the ability to hover instead of stand. She said it's making her life unbearable. Access denied to all but my heart, my beloved! How many tears would it take to drown a man? We'll just have to make our own noise. And I lay amongst the dead girls in the poppy fields. That's an odd taste. Arterial blood ejaculating like a displaced orgasm In the <blank>...
July 16, 2004 by citahellion
Zoroaster's Filibusters Taiko drums in the Japanese fog... I find that difficult to accept. ...not having the ability to hover instead of stand. She said it's making her life unbearable. Access denied to all but my heart, my beloved! How many tears would it take to drown a man? We'll just have to make our own noise. And I lay amongst the dead girls in the poppy fields. That's an odd taste. Arterial blood ejaculating like a displaced orgasm In the <blank>...