citahellion's Articles In Personal Relationships
August 9, 2004 by citahellion
I knew it couldn't be too far off. Finally, after a couple months of being able to remain sitting on her own and play comfortably, and weeks of going from sitting to lying down and rolling, my little girl tonight made it from lying on her back to sitting up! I was watching her play out of the corner of my eye and all of a sudden instead of being on her back or tummy, she was propping herself up with her arms and getting her legs from behind her to in front of her. It was quite the gymnasti...
August 9, 2004 by citahellion
Let's pretend that some shadowy benefactor came to you and told you that he would pay you $100,000 a year. All you have to do in exchange for this paycheck is to find a job that you love to do, that you would rather be doing than hanging out in front of the TV or the computer screen, and work it like a regular job for the rest of your life. (Yes, you can take vacations.) What would your dream job be? (Let's keep it a little realistic, now; there probably are no positions available for, e....
August 6, 2004 by citahellion
Hello little cutie pie you just woke up, and so did I I gaze at you as you lie there with big, dark eyes and tousled hair. Hello little eager one up every morning with the sun you smile and squeal as I come in can't wait to have the day begin. Hello little lovely girl you coo and chatter to the world then flail your arms and gladly shout when I reach down to lift you out. Hello little girl, my sweet It's breakfast time, can't wait to eat You love to grab your toys and pla...
June 21, 2004 by citahellion
Generally speaking I've noticed that people will listen to someone else just long enough to hear what is being talked about. At that point, one of four basic reactions kicks in: 1) I agree with the speaker Then I will listen to him for as long as it takes to reinforce my own beliefs. 2) I disagree with the speaker Then I will dismiss him as a crank of some sort. If I am feeling generous, I may listen just long enough to hear something that I can find fault with. 3) I have no opin...