I knew it couldn't be too far off. Finally, after a couple months of being able to remain sitting on her own and play comfortably, and weeks of going from sitting to lying down and rolling, my little girl tonight made it from lying on her back to sitting up! I was watching her play out of the corner of my eye and all of a sudden instead of being on her back or tummy, she was propping herself up with her arms and getting her legs from behind her to in front of her. It was quite the gymnastic effort.

I am so excited. Of course this means that crawling is right around the corner too (I was actually almost expecting her to do that today as well!), we've got some babyproofing in place but I'll have to get a lot busier on that front. Get all the cabinets secure, move all the hard, heavy stuff out of reach, add padding here and there.... oh boy.

on Aug 09, 2004
Congrats! What an exciting day it must have been in your house!
on Aug 10, 2004
I was watching her play out of the corner of my eye and all of a sudden instead of being on her back or tummy, she was propping herself up with her arms and getting her legs from behind her to in front of her. It was quite the gymnastic effort.

citahellion, i loved your description of this. she sounds adorable. congraulations to her on her first move as an 'independent' woman

vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 10, 2004
How old is she? Elana can't sit up yet but she's getting really really close - she does all that stuff your little girl was doing and she can half crawl - she knows she has to be on her hands and knees but she cacn't grip the floorboards and ends up going backwards.
Elana's 8months (december 6)
on Aug 10, 2004
Krystal is 7.7 months (december 17). She does the non-moving almost-crawl too, leans forward and tries to go from sitting to crawling position, but can't get her one leg from in front to behind her. We're calling it her "frog-jumping"motion, she looks just like she could be sitting on a lily pad getting ready for her next big move.
on Aug 10, 2004
YES!!!!!! -- isn't that the funniest thing to watch - Elana's a bottom shuffler mostly -- we've got wooden floorboards so she slides really easily -- and its VERY funny to watch -- gosh I love babies
on Aug 10, 2004

Before long, baby will be getting into everything.  Our little guy (nine months) climbs around the furniture.

He always makes a beeline toward tissue boxes, electrical cords, remote controls, and headphones.

Maybe if we put that stuff in his toybox he'd ignore it!

on Aug 10, 2004
Right now Krystal is a bit of a roller... she's figured out that she can roll over to get from her blanket to her gym to her play-book to under the coffee table, covering an area of perhaps 30 square feet (about 4x8).
I am both anticipating and dreading her general mobility phase....
on Aug 10, 2004
Congratulations to your little one!

Watch out world, she's on her way...
on Aug 10, 2004
I've got my niece here at the moment, and she was born on Dec 8th. She can crawl backwards, but she much prefers you holding her hands so she can march you around the place! It's amazing how exciting the little things are, but they just are so adorable. Congrats on your little one, she sounds lovely!