(Keep it clean, though)
Published on October 11, 2004 By citahellion In Websites
Okay, JoeUsers, let's do a bookmark swap. We've already got space on our own blog pages to create a bookmark list, but it's usually used specifically to point to other blog sites. Well, I wanna see some of your other links. I'll go first:

I like a lot of web-based comic strips and humor sites....
Sluggy Freelance
User Friendly
Kevin & Kell
Doctor Fun
PvP - Player Versus Player
Spooner (Currently broken)
Ozy and Millie
Penny Arcade!
Krazy Larry (Currently on some sort of un-announced hiatus)
Ctrl+Alt+Del - Tragically l337 ComicsPage (aggregate site: Broom Hilda, Helen of the Internet, Meehan Streak, etc.)
King Features (aggregate site: Zits, Sally Forth, Mutts, Hagar, Baby Blues, etc.)
Comics.com! (aggregate site: Dilbert, Big Nate, Get Fuzzy, Frazz, One Big Happy, etc.)
Rec.humor.funny jokes and comedy (just jokes)
The Norm (currently on hiatus)
Soap on a Rope Bob the Angry Flower (weekly)
NEWS of the WEIRD (weekly)
Ubersoft.net (updated irregularly)
The Onion (weekly satire)
Comics I Don't Understand (weekly / irregular; shows a variety of comics that were incomprehensible to someone)
RED MEAT . Meat Locker (weekly)
The Red Meat Construction Set (fan-created Red Meat strips. Roll your own!)
Nodwick (weekly)
Dork Tower (M,W,F)
Wapsi Square

I also have a few reference sites I keep handy...
Snopes.com urban legends
Urban Legends and Folklore at About.com
LookSmart: Dict. & Thesaurus(actually a directory of dictionaries)
Merriam-Webster OnLine
Encyclopedia Mythica: Greek mythology.
and a few news and opinion sites, technical and general:
ABCNEWS.com CNET.com - Welcome to CNET! (technical info)
I, Cringely (technical opinion)
The Register (I love the BOFH column here, but other news is good too)
Slashdot:News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters. (the essential geek news aggregator)
InformationWeek Online Home Page (technical info)
TechRepublic - The IT Community Hub
NewsForge (Linux/Unix stuff, mostly)
Tongue Tied (Reports on excesses of the politically correct movement)
GROKLAW (details about the SCO vs. IBM case and other legal info)
Spinsanity - Countering rhetoric with reason (exposing campaign rhetoric from both sides)
Google News

Well, that looks like kind of a lot. I think I'll stop there, before I get to the boring stuff like VAX/VMS pages and local weather sites. Perhaps we can talk about those later.
So now it's your turn! What are some of your favorite bookmarks?

on Oct 11, 2004
There actually aren't too many sites I visit regularly. Google and here are probably the only two sites I visit on a daily basis.

Sometimes for news I'll check out news.yahoo.com or foxnews but probably not even on a weekly basis.

The Internet Movie Database is a reference I use several times a week.

And the local library pages to keep the 40 or so books I have out at any given time freshly renewed. But no-one is interested in that.

Most of the time I just use the Internet as a reference to look specific things up. Going back to the same places again and again just isn't something I do.
on Oct 11, 2004
Hmmm...lemme see here.....

Link hektik.org: Good IT stuff, local news, and naked pics of your friends! (SLC local site)

Link illwillpress.com: Foamy the Squirrel. Bow down before him!

Link factcheck.org: Screw the news. Get the truth.

Link performanceproducts.com: These guys get all my money. Excellent site for sports car folks.

Link eBay: i wonder if they have a eRehab yet?

Link Spinsanity: Non-partisan spin removal site from Duke University.

Link The Register.uk: Excellent IT site.

Link STSN: How i pays the bills.

Link The U of Utah Running Utes: Whats a yoot? Were going BCS this year. God bless Urban Meyer!

That's a few of my favorites

on Oct 11, 2004
I, too, have listed a number of my favorite sites in my sidebar. It makes my sidebar enormous. Some other sites I visit regularly are -

Yahoo Fantasy Sports (go join the JU fantasy basketball league)
KUCD Star 101.9 - streaming audio for my favorite Hawaii radio station
Yahoo's Korean/English dictionary page
Various email services - hotmail, yahoo, gmail, work

I have a few more language related links in my work computer.
on Oct 11, 2004

Hmm, let's see what's on the eclectic list that is my boomark folder....

Death Row homepage Link  Satisfies my morbid curiosity...also gives me a good insight into the depravity of human nature.

Fly Lady Link This got me on the road to de-cluttering my house and life, and I go back every once in a while to see what's new....

Uniformed Code of Military Justice Link My husband is an AF cop, and I used to work over at the legal office...this resource was and is really helpful.

IP address locator Link Just for fun...

Backwoods home Link We havea  dream of owning a homestead when dave retires, and this site is a good resource for all things primitive and homestead-y.

Get Fuzzy Link  My favorite comice strip....I want a Bucky Katt doll for Christmas!



on Oct 11, 2004
Ahh, Google. For news, shopping, and all the information you could possibly need. And mail, if you're lucky. Yes, I love google too.

Of course, the problem I have with the sidebars is that I have switched mostly to forum-based browsing here at JU, so I hardly ever see them in the first place. Plus, if I want to get to my own sidebar, that means I have to first click to my own JU homepage and then wait for the darn thing to load. So it's nice for showing off things I like, but not for actually being used by me.

Illwillpress.com--yes, Foamy the squirrel! What an obnoxiously cool little critter. I just wish he was a tiny bit easier to understand. Of course that's part of his charm.
I'll have to take a look at factcheck.org, sounds interesting.
Probably the main reason I didn't mention eBay is that like Google, everybody already knows about it.
The IP Address locator and the FlyLady thing both look cool too.

Thanks, everybody! New sites to look at. Yay!

By the way, out of the links I posted, Red Meat and the Red Meat Construction Set are probably the most amusingly twisted and disturbingly fun. Go see for yourselves if you haven't already.