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Just your average superintelligent geek
Creepy Crawly Krystal
Published on August 28, 2004 By
Home & Family
Well, it finally happened. After weeks of flailing about, sitting, rolling, going backward, making little froggy-leap motions, and otherwise not quite actually crawling, tonight Krystal did a real, honest, forward-progress crawl. It was only about 2 feet, but she did it a couple of different times and it looks like she's already got the hang of it pretty well. She's going to be a little terror on hands and knees, I can already tell.
I guess I'd better really get cracking with more baby-proofing stuff (I was only about halfway done before tonight) and we'll have to be a lot more careful about letting her out of our sight now. No more jaunts into the kitchen while Krystal lays on the floor playing with toys; no telling where she'll be when I come back with my coke 15 seconds later. Gonna have to break out the holding cell.... (also known as a playpen
Along with our recent discoveries of her legs sticking out through the bars of her crib, and her increasingly casual ability to sit up, it's been a very active week!
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on Aug 28, 2004
citahellion: Yay for Krystal! Your house is about to get a lot busier and a lot messier!
Gideon MacLeish
on Aug 28, 2004
When our oldest started crawling, and my wife and I were both at home, we'd use a "zone defense":I was responsible for living room and master bedroom, she was responsible for nursery, kitchen and bathroom, or vice versa. When Destiny would head to the other's designated area, we'd yell "INCOMING!".
It worked.
on Aug 29, 2004
we'd yell "INCOMING!"
I already use that for a lot of other things (mostly relatively rare occurances, though).
on Aug 31, 2004
Well, in just two short days Krystal has gone from 3 or 4 crawl-steps totaling at most two feet to 15 or 20 steps, covering half the living room at a go! She's getting dangerous already! And she's started working on trying to find things to pull herself up on, too... Good thing we blocked off the video and CD racks already!
on Aug 31, 2004
tonight Krystal did a real, honest, forward-progress crawl.
oh, well done, krystal. you go, girl !.
She's going to be a little terror on hands and knees, I can already tell.
i love these baby blogs. and i can tell that you're relishing every 'little terror' moment, citahellion !
Along with our recent discoveries of her legs sticking out through the bars of her crib, and her increasingly casual ability to sit up, it's been a very active week!
wow. she
been busy. and so will you be !. congratulations, krystal
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 31, 2004
15 or 20 steps, covering half the living room at a go! She's getting dangerous already!
i love this !. i had to come back and say that !!!
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 31, 2004
You're providing indirect encouragement for me to find a photo site and start linking in pictures of Krystal, mig. I swear to you that she is the cutest baby in the world right now.
on Sep 01, 2004
Your part of USA I might be able to agree with you -- but world No.
Says the mother of the cutest baby in Queensland, Australia (I can't say whole of Oz cause of Muggaz neice lexie)
But we're all biased and there would never be an independent ruling - everyone has preferences
I know what you're going through - in a few days Elana who's always been a bottom shuffler has learnt to sit up, she can crawl (definition that Australians would call creeping - slithering on the ground) and she can creep (definition Aussies would call crawling - on hands and knees) and she will incorporate all three together plus a few rolls to find the fastest way to get into mischief -- she's currently fascinated being UNDER stuff - the table, the chairs, the bench, Nick's desk. She takes some toys with her and explores and sits under there for big chunks of time (like 15 minutes)
on Sep 01, 2004
Well, I didn't really expect anyone with their own baby to agree with me. (Especially the moms.)
Nevertheless, I have posted photographic evidence of my claim here....
Pictures of Krystal
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