for the true geek
Published on September 30, 2004 By citahellion In Personal Computing
Here's a little reference sheet for those of you who need to give people directions on what to type...

Thisis called:
' tick
` back-tick
! bang
@ at
# hash
$ cash
^ hat
& amp
* splat
- dash
( and ) bananas (left and right)
[ and ] brackets
{ and } braces
< and > wakas or angle-brackets or lit and git
\ bash
| pipe
? what
/ slash
. dot

Now for your further edification, I have composed a poem:

{}$@**General Protection Fault

Anyone care to transliterate?

on Sep 30, 2004
You have waaay too much time on your hands.
on Sep 30, 2004
lit and git at cash equal splat
left bananas twiddle hat
and percent what hash hash four (for)
slash tick back tick underscore
plus minus brackets pipe dot bash
braces cash at splat splat oh to hell with this, i have no idea if this is supposed to mean anything...

Grrr. Apparently I, too, have too much time on my hands.

on Sep 30, 2004
You're really close, Anglo....

Waka waka at cash equals splat
left banana left banana twiddle hat
and percent what hash hash four
slash tick back-tick underscore
plus minus brackets pipe dot bash
braces cash at splat splat CRASH.

I'm thinking I should change the last line to "!?~?!!General Protection Fault", though. That would make more sense.
on Sep 30, 2004
I'm thinking I should change the last line to "!?~?!!General Protection Fault", though. That would make more sense.

(sarcastically) Oh, yeah, that would help TREMENDOUSLY, it'll make tons more sense.

(I never did get poetry....)

on Oct 01, 2004
Well, it's a much more computer-repair-related kind of line, is all.

bang what twiddle what bang bang CRASH

Doesn't that sound like someone trying to fix a computer to you?
on Oct 01, 2004

i think it's kinda groovy, myself  

mig XX